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Our Coordinators

The coordination team works closely with the community and key stakeholders to support projects that align with the Raglan Naturally Community Plan 2020. Our Raglan Naturally Coordinators are deeply connected within our community and always growing their understanding of its diverse needs.

In Whaingaroa, there’s a wealth of skills, wisdom, and resources, and the Coordinators are here to help you take the lead and make things happen. Their role is to guide the community plan towards successful completion, while also ensuring the long-term sustainability of Raglan Naturally and the support it provides. They’re always on the lookout for opportunities to secure resources and support for the community’s ongoing growth and sustainability.

Gabrielle Parson

Community-Led Development Coordinator

I moved to Raglan with my family 10 years ago and have been actively involved in the community during this time.
Having worked as the Project Coordinator for the revitalisation of the RN Community Plan, from 2017-2020, I was keen to support the community into the implementation stage.
Currently as Chair and in my 6th year on the Raglan Community Board, I bring my community knowledge and connections in local government to this work.

I really enjoy connecting with community members, having good conversations, learning about Whaingaroa Raglan and building relationships. My training in facilitation and wellbeing align well to community-led development.

My family and I feel strongly connected to Whaingaroa and love being part of this diverse, vibrant and caring community.

Taruke Thomson for Ngāti Hourua, Jo Kukutai for Ngāti Māhanga, Michael Edmonds for Tainui Hapu, Meti Hughes for Ngāti Tamainupō

Rachael Goddard, Hans Buwalda and Lisa James

Tony Oosten (Treasurer)

— The Trust Board
  • The Raglan Naturally Board works in accordance with the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. The Board comprises representation from Whaingaroa hapū and community in a co-governance model.
  • Co-governance for RN is leading by example, the journey will be constantly evolving.
  • Relationships and partnerships are key.
  • Relationships and partnerships are equitable.
  • These relationships and partnerships are actively supported through research and resourcing.
  • The Raglan Naturally Board is driving the change we know is needed to create a healthy thriving community.

Read More About the Trust