Raglan Naturally is supported by a five-year partnership with the Department of Internal Affairs through their Community-led Development Programme. This programme uses a community-led approach to support communities and hapū to achieve their goals by working together, building on their strengths, encouraging wide participation, developing local leaders and action plans to measure and celebrate their achievements. The Community-led Development Programme is based on a community or hapū and the Department of Internal Affairs signing a partnership agreement and agreeing to work together. In this partnership the Department will offer advice and support and will work with other government agencies, tangata whenua, local authorities, funders, businesses and local organisations to support the community achieve their locally-led initiatives. As partnership communities put their plans in place, they will also be able to request funding investment to support them to achieve their community or hapū goals. This Community-led Development programme is for communities of place; communities of interest or attribute within a place; and for hapū within Aotearoa New Zealand. In our experience, the community-led development approach works best when the location or number of people involved is not too large. We will consider this when selecting communities and hapū to partner with us in the programme. The focus of this programme is for communities and hapū to work together, following the community-led development principles to achieve their visions and goals. It is not to help community groups or agencies with their ongoing programmes, service delivery, or service development priorities.Raglan Naturally
Our Supporters
Department of Internal Affairs – Community-Led Development Programme