Raglan has had a telegraph line since 1884, electricity since 1935, piped water since 1964 and a sewage system since 1977. As our community has grown so too has our need for good infrastructure. In this focus area, infrastructure covers:
We have a clean water supply, sourced from a spring on the side of Karioi, which is available throughout the year. It meets the current demand within the 3,100m3/day resource consent.
Raglan has 19 pump stations that pump to the treatment ponds and we are currently reviewing our resource consent for the discharge of treated wastewater to the harbour outfall. Our community is actively involved in the consent process and is working closely with council on options for improvements, particularly exploring a land-based treatment system that diverts the discharge from the harbour.
Raglan is very fortunate through the hard work and dedication of a core team of community champions to have Xtreme Zero Waste manage the waste handling. Xtreme Zero have done an outstanding job increasing recycling rates.
Raglan has good opportunity to increase renewable electricity generation due to wind resource and sunlight hours and local experienced renewable electricity installers.
Introduction of highspeed internet has assisted in the ability for local businesses to connect with the global business community.
Most common themes from the community
Support for Plastic Free Raglan, recycling, reducing litter
Beautification, maintenance
Handle wastewater more ecologically
Alternative energy
Public toilets, fountains, dog bags, nappy change
The impact on the natural environment and ecology must be the prime consideration in all infrastructure decisions.
Infrastructure must continue to be upgraded to reduce the impact on the natural environment and ecology.
Stormwater runoff must be filtered through wetlands, roadway runoff must be filtered through swales.
Treated wastewater must be discharged through a wetland prior to discharge.
The impact of sea level rise must be planned for now as flood events are happening already.
Refuse must be preferably eliminated, or minimised by development of a circular economy.
We aspire to a standard of excellence for all of Raglan’s public assets and spaces. We are proud of our town and its facilities; we work closely with WDC and take an active part in the care of it, through maintenance and beautification.
Possible pathways toward achieving these aspirations
Reduce waste, stores to stop selling disposable wipes and single use plastics (straws, cups etc).
How about we become self sufficient in energy generation.
Can we please have a land-based sewage system that makes use of the waste in some way.No more discharging into the beautiful harbour.
Land-based sewerage system and consider alternatives such as composting toilets
Include the new recommended sea level changes in all infrastructure and planning decisions to reduce the cost to future residents to respond to climate change.
The new wastewater disposal to harbour consent in 2020 needs to be of shorter duration and have hard deliverables to stop this activity before the next consent renewal.
Wastewater from the treatment plant post UV stage should be processed through a man made wetland to a water quality suitable for shellfish gathering and swimming prior to disposal.
Reinstate the anaerobic ponds that process the incoming wastewater and outfall membrane plant backwash to produce gas that could run a generator to offset treatment plant electricity use.
Install floating solar PV systems on the pond to reduce the growth of algae and to offset treatment plant power use.
Rainwater collection tanks for houses need to be continued as part of building consent to slow runoff and allow for all rain water to be filtered through a wetland before harbour outfall. These rain tanks can provide emergency water storage should the reticulated system be damaged.
Where possible increase the volume of stormwater directed to Aro Aro wetland, include pumping if necessary.
Extend water supply out to edges of community especially for fire fighting supply.
Install footpaths with swales and tree planting to beautify and slowly filter roadway runoff.
Install filtration on the potable water prior to UV treatment to reduce the risk of an earthquake causing potable water treatment outage.
Continue to support and expand the community-based Xtreme Zero Waste team reduction in waste generation and develop a circular economy, support expansion of Plastic Free Whaingaroa.
As the volume of greenwaste increases explore the installation of a biodigester to produce gas for electricity generation.
Lobby government for mandatory product stewardship. Support and continue to develop local minimisation of throw-away packaging.
Develop a community power scheme, and encourage residential solar PV as well as electrification of restaurants, transport and businesses. Aim to become self-sufficient in energy generation.
Continue to place power and telephone services underground to reduce visual clutter.
Increase roadside tree planting and beautification
A community-led monitoring group that ensures the WDC planned maintenance in the CBD, on the hard surfaces and street furniture/assets is fit for purpose and that the work carried out is completed to a good standard.
Monitoring maintenance outcomes adds to both the practicality and beautification of Raglan’s assets.