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Māori Ministers Post Budget Breakfast

We were invited to attend the Māori Ministers Post Budget Breakfast hosted in Hamilton at the Novotel on the 22nd of May.  We had the opportunity to understand what the new budgets are for the next three years.

There is more investment in Whānau Wellbeing, access to whare, and whakapapa supporting the Government’s plan to address the cost of living. Extra funding will be injected into:

  • Building and repairing homes
  • Boost for Te Matatini and ensuring Matariki is funded into the future
  • Whānau ora to provide more services
  • Increased funding for Hauora providers, Iwi Māori partnership boards, Rongoā practitioners and more Prevention funding
  • More support in Māori education for kura, kaiako and akonga
  • More funding in Māori media
  • Funding available for more Te Ao Marama programmes in the Courts.